Delete an authority record

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Delete an existing authority record

Main Page > (UM) User manual > UM-3 Add / edit content > UM-3.2 Add / edit authority records > UM-3.2.3 Delete an existing authority record

Delete an existing authority record

1. Navigate to the authority record you want to delete.

  • For more information on navigation in ICA-AtoM, see in this manual: Access content.

2. Switch from view mode to edit mode by clicking the title bar or Edit button; this takes you to the record's Edit screen.

3. Click the Delete button in the Button block.

4. ICA-AtoM prompts you to confirm the delete request; click "OK".

5. ICA-AtoM deletes the record and returns you to the List screen.

6. Note the following consequences of deleting an authority record:

  • Any creation events linked to the entity are disassociated from the entity -- the event remains, but it no longer has the entity as its "subject". E.g. entity X is registered as the creator of archival unit Y over the date range 1964-1987; entity X is deleted; archival unit Y now simply has a date range 1964-1987 without associating this with any particular creator.