Translate interface
Please note that ICA-AtoM is no longer actively supported by Artefactual Systems.
Visit for information about AtoM, the currently supported version.
Translate taxonomies (terms)
Main Page > (UM) User manual > UM-5 Translate content / interface > UM-5.3 Translate taxonomies (terms)
Taxonomies are controlled vocabularies that generate drop-down value lists in ICA-AtoM to restrict data entry in certain fields to certain values. ICA-AtoM stores these values as term records in the database, associating each term with a particular taxonomy. For more on taxonomies, see UM-3.5 Edit taxonomies (terms).
Open translation page
1. In the language menu, click the language into which you want to translate.
2. On the main menu bar, click the Translate > Default content sub-tab.
Translate taxonomy names
3. Click on taxonomies to view all taxonomy names.
4. The left-hand column (highlighted) shows the English names; enter or edit the translated names in the right-hand column.
Translate taxonomy terms
5. In the terms section, click a taxonomy to expand it and view all terms that belong to it.
6. The left-hand column (highlighted) shows the English names; enter or edit the translated names in the right-hand column.
7. Click the save button.
9. ICA-AtoM registers the new translations and re-loads the pages, collapsing the taxonomies and terms sections.