Global settings

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Customize global settings

Main Page > User manual > UM-7 Administer ICA-AtoM > UM-7.4 Customize settings > UM-7.4.1 Customize global settings

Edit global settings
Digital object view screen showing reference display copy
Search results screen with pager after changing settings to show 5 results per page

Global settings allow administrators to control certain aspects of how ICA-AtoM appears and behaves. Features currently controlled by global settings include:

  • The number of search results that will be displayed on results screens.
  • Whether or not the application is serving as a multi-repository or single-institution system.

1. Click the admin > settings tab.

2. Click the global information area to display global settings.

3. Application version

  • This field shows the current version of the software.
  • The value is pre-set, ships with the application, and cannot be edited.
  • The version number is automatically updated when you upgrade ICA-AtoM to a later release.

4. Upload directory

  • This field shows the name of the file directory in which ICA-AtoM stores digital objects when users upload them.
  • The value is pre-set, ships with the application, and cannot be edited.

5. Maximum image width (pixels)

6. Results per page

  • By default, ICA-AtoM lists objects in list screens and search results screens 10 at a time, with a pager at the bottom of the page to allow users to navigate through long lists of objects.

7. Inherit reference code (information object)

8. Sort treeview

  • This setting determines how lower-level descriptions are sorted in an archival description's context menu box.
    • Selecting "none" means the descriptions will appear in the order in which they were entered into the DCB.
    • Selecting "title" sorts the descriptions by title.
    • Selecting "identifier" sorts the descriptions by identifier.

9. Multiple repositories

  • Select "Yes" if your ICA-AtoM application is acting as a "union list" or portal for descriptions of materials held at more than one archival institution or repository.
  • Select "No" if your ICA-AtoM application is being used only by a single institution.