Advanced search

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Main Page > User manual > UM-4 Access content > UM-4.2 Advanced search

ICA-AtoM uses the Zend framework's implementation of the Lucene search engine. This provides a number of options for advanced searching from within the search box. For a full description of the features supported by Zend's Lucene search, see:

What follows is a selection of some of the most commonly used tools.


  • Use double quotes to search phrases. E.g. search "city hall" to return records containing these two words together in that exact order.

Boolean operators

  • Use AND to combine search terms to narrow your search: e.g. search vancouver AND "city hall" to return only descriptions that contain both search terms.
  • Use OR to to combine search terms to broaden your search: e.g. search vancouver OR "city hall" to return descriptions that contain either search term.
  • Use AND NOT to exclude terms: e.g. search vancouver AND NOT "city hall" to return descriptions that include vancouver but do not contain the phrase "city hall".
  • Boolean operators can be upper- or lowercase.


  • You can restrict your search to specific fields by typing the field name followed by a colon ( : ) and the search text (fieldName:searchText).
  • E.g. search title:city to return descriptions which include the word city in the title.
  • You must enter the exact field name. These are not always intuitive nor do they necessarily correspond to the field label that appears on screen.