Default language

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Main Page > User manual > Administer > Default language

When you first install ICA-AtoM, the site's default language is set to English. This means that whenever a user visits your site it will automatically load the English interface. However, you may wish to have the site load in another language by default.

This is done by making a change in the "/apps/qubit/config/settings.yml" file. This will have to be done by a system administrator who has access to the ICA-AtoM application files on your web server.

At the very bottom of the file (approximately line 97) is "default_culture" setting. There may be a "#" character which comments out this setting. Delete the "#" and change the value from "en" to the two letter RFC 5646 code for your preferred default language, e.g. "fr" for French, "nl" for Dutch, "pt" for Portuguese, etc.

The ICA-AtoM configuration files use the YAML format, which uses spaces and line breaks as delimiters. Therefore, if you delete the "#" character be careful to leave exactly four spaces from the left column to the first letter in "default_language".

Once you make this change and save the settings.yml file, you will have to delete the cache for this setting to take effect. The simplest way to do that is to delete the contents of the "/cache" directory. On the very next ICA-AtoM page request the contents of this "/cache" directory will be re-created, including a new default language configuration setting.