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This is a list of notable sites running ICA-AtoM,
On this page you'll find some examples of institutions and organizations using AtoM and/or ICA-AtoM. Don't see your institution on this list? Please feel free to [[Special:UserLogin|add a link]] to your AtoM installation!
* [http://memorybc.ca/ BC archival union list]
* [http://humanrightsarchives.org/ UNESCO human rights archives]
==AtoM (2.x) sites==
* [http://www.carbica.org/migan/ MIGAN - the directory of Caribbean archival institutions]
* [http://archief.vioe.be/ Archief van het Vlaams Instituut voor het Onroerend Erfgoed]
<div class="note">
AtoM 2 is the next-generation version of ICA-AtoM. It is still community-driven, and released under the same open-source license. For more information, please visit our new webpage, at: https://www.accesstomemory.org/
* [http://archivospresidenciales.archivonacional.cl/ Archivo Michelle Bachelet Jeria (President of Chile)] (Spanish)
* [http://www.albertaonrecord.ca/ Alberta on Record: Archives Society of Alberta Portal]
* [http://archeion.ca Archeion: Ontario's Archival Information Network]
* [https://archie.library.carleton.ca/ Archives & Research Collections, Carleton University Library]
* [https://inventaires.archivescommunales-vd.ch/ Archives comunales du canton de Vaud] (Swiss)
* [http://anglicanarchives.ica-atom.org/ Archives of the Anglican Diocese of New Westminster and Provincial Synod of BC and Yukon]
* [http://archivesdemontreal.ica-atom.org/ Archives de Montréal]
* [http://ratp.histolab.fr/index.php/?sf_culture=fr Archives Groupe RATP ] (French)
* [http://arc.anla.nf.ca/ ARC: the Archival Resource Catalogue of the Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives]
* [http://acervo.cidarq.ufg.br/index.php/iuryy;isad Acervos Arquivísticos] (Brazilian Portuguese)
* [http://icaatom.almg.gov.br/ Acervo Arquivístico da Assembleia Legislativa do Estado de Minas Gerais] (Brazilian Portuguese)
* [https://archief.onroerenderfgoed.be/ Archief van het Vlaams Instituut voor het Onroerend Erfgoed] (Dutch)
* [http://fonte.ufsm.br/ Acervo Arquivístico da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria] (Brazilian Portuguese)
* [https://archivescanada.accesstomemory.ca/ ArchivesCanada - the Canadian Archival Information Network Portal]
* [http://archives.canbarchives.ca/ ArchivesCANB: the Council of Archives New Brunswick's archival database]
* [https://archives.uclouvain.be/atom/index.php/ Archives de l'Université catholique de Louvain] (Belgium)
* [http://www.archives.pe.ca/atom/index.php/ Archives PEI, the Archives Council of Prince Edward Island's description database]
* [ Archivo Histórico de la UNAM] (Spanish)
* [http://archivospublicos.cl/ Archivos Históricos de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado] (Spanish)
* [http://archivo.mariategui.org/ Archivo José Carlos Mariátegui] (Perú - Spanish)
* [http://fotos.psd.pt/atom/index.php/ Arquivo da Social-Democracia] (Portuguese)
* [http://arquivodigital.furg.br/ Arquivo digital da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande] (Brazilian Portuguese)
* [http://arquivomunicipal.caxias.rs.gov.br/ Arquivo Histórico Municipal João Spadari Adami - Caxias do Sul] (Brazilian Portuguese)
* [http://arquivo.cm-albufeira.pt/ Arquivo Municipal Albufeira] (Portuguese)
* [http://arquivo.cm-albergaria.pt/ Arquivo Municipal de Albergaria-a-Velha] (Portuguese)
* [ Arquivo Municipal de Sines] (Portuguese)
* [http://arquivo.cm-valedecambra.pt/atom/ Arquivo Municipal de Vale de Cambra] (Portuguese)
* [https://arquivo.cm-viladobispo.pt/ Arquivo Municipal de Vila do Bispo] (Portuguese)
* [http://arquivoatom.up.pt/index.php/fundacao-instituto-arquitecto-jose-marques-da-silva Arquivo da Fundação Instituto Marques da Silva] (Portuguese)
* [http://www.ahsocial.ics.ulisboa.pt/atom/ Arquivo de História Social do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa] (Portuguese)
* [http://arquivo.igreja-lusitana.org/ Arquivo Histórico da Igreja Lusitana] (Portuguese)
* [http://www.cle.unicamp.br/atom-2.2.1/index.php/ Arquivos Históricos do Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e História da Ciência] (Brazilian Portuguese)
* [ Arquivo Público do Estado do Rio de Janeiro] (Brazilian Portuguese)
* [http://archivescollection.anu.edu.au/ Australian National University Archives]
* [http://www.basearch.coc.fiocruz.br/ Base Arch - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz] (Brazilian Portuguese)
* [http://beatoninstitute.com/ The Beaton Institute (Cape Breton University)]
* [https://borthcat.york.ac.uk/ Borthwick Institute for Archives - University of York]
* [http://collections.westbeyondthewest.ca British Columbia Digitization Coalition's West Beyond the West Portal]
* [http://atom.lib.bcit.ca/ British Columbia Institute of Technology Archives & Special Collections]
* [https://caspar.cinematheque.ch CASPAR - Cinémathèque Suisse Papier Archives] (French)
* [http://archivos.cedinci.org/ CeDInCI] Centro de Documentación e Investigación de la Cultura de Izquierdas en Argentina (Spanish)
* [https://archives.cendari.dariah.eu/ CENDARI Archives Directory]
* [https://ccap.uvic.ca Chinese Canadian Artifacts Project]
* [http://searcharchives.coquitlam.ca/atom-2.0.1/ City of Coquitlam Archives]
* [http://searcharchives.vancouver.ca/ City of Vancouver Archives]
* [https://archives.victoria.ca/ City of Victoria Archives]
* [http://winnipeginfocus.winnipeg.ca/ City of Winnipeg Archives]
* [https://discover.cabhc.ca/ Community Archives of Belleville and Hastings County]
* [http://concordia.accesstomemory.org/ Concordia University]
* [http://helates.cut.ac.cy/ Cyprus University of Technology Library Archives] (Greek)
* [https://findingaids.library.dal.ca/ Dalhousie University Libraries]
* [http://dibrarq.arquivonacional.gov.br/ DIBRARQ - Diretório Brasil de Arquivos] (Brazilian Portuguese)
* [https://saanich.accesstomemory.org/ District of Saanich Archives]
* [http://atom.doaks.org/atom/  Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection]
* [https://atom-sparc.fitnyc.edu/ Fashion Institute of Technology - Gladys Marcus Library's Special Collections and College Archives]
* [https://fhya.org/ Five Hundred Year Archive (FHYA)]
* [http://archives.gcu.ac.uk/ Glasgow Caledonian University Archives]
* [http://archives.hpl.ca/ Hamilton Public Library Local History & Archives Department]
* [http://www.highlandparkhistory.org/ Highland Park Historical Society]
* [http://atom.unito.it/ Historical Archives of the University of Torino] (Italian)
* [http://atom.hmarchives.com/ Human and Memory Archives] (Korean)
* [http://atom.poa.ifrs.edu.br/ Instituto Federal Rio Grande do Sul - Campus Porto Alegre] (Brazilian Portuguese)
* [http://ica.institutomarcelodeda.com.br/ Instituto Marcelo Déda]
* [http://jikn.sikn.go.id/ Jaringan Informasi Kearsipan Nasional] (Indonesian)
* [http://archives.jewishmuseum.ca/ The Jewish Museum & Archives of BC]
* [http://archives.lakeheadu.ca/ Lakehead University Archives]
* [https://libarchives.wlu.ca/ Laurier Archives]
* [http://www.ltiarchives.ca Leeds and the Thousand Islands Archives]
* [http://lslirc-tarrarchives.accesstomemory.org/ Lesser Slave Lake IRC Treaty Aboriginal Rights Research Archives]
* [https://archives.mhsc.ca/ MAID: The Mennonite Archival Image Database]
* [http://nanna.lib.umanitoba.ca/ MAIN: Manitoba Archival Information Network]
* [http://archives.mcmaster.ca/ McMaster University Library Archives and Research Collections]
* [http://www.memorybc.ca/ MemoryBC - British Columbia's Archival Information Network]
* [https://memoryns.ca/ MemoryNS, the Council of Nova Scotia Archives' archival database]
* [http://www.gov.pe.ca/paroatom/ Memory PEI - Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island]
* [http://catalogue.millsarchive.org/ Mills Archive]
* [https://archives.mtroyal.ca/ Mount Royal University Archives and Special Collections]
* [http://archives.museeheritage.ca Musée Héritage Museum Archives]
* [http://atom.moa.ubc.ca/ Museum of Anthropology, Audrey and Harry Hawthorn Library and Archives, University of British Columbia]
* [http://museumofcroydoncollections.com/catalogues/ Museum of Croydon]
* [https://archives.library.wales/ National Library of Wales - Archives and Manuscripts]
* [https://arken.kb.se/ National Library of Sweden - Arken Directory] (Swedish)
* [http://nspantelakis.gr/family-archives/ Nikolaos S. Pantelakis Family archives] (Greek)
* [http://archives.eclibrary.ca/ Nipissing University and Canadore College Archives and Special Collections]
* [http://archives.nato.int/ North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Archives]
* [http://offalyhistoryarchives.com/ Offaly History Archives]
* [https://digitalcollections.ohs.org/ Oregon Historical Society Digital Collections]
* [http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/pambu/catalogue/ Pacific Manuscripts Bureau]
* [https://www.acervo.pe.gov.br Portal Estadual do Patrimônio Documental de Pernambuco] (Brazilian Portuguese)
* [http://portal.cehr.ft.lisboa.ucp.pt/arquivos/ PAPIR - Plataforma de Arquivos Pessoais e de Instituições Religiosas] (Portuguese)
* [http://atom.prattsils.org/ Pratt School of Information On-site Archives and Special Collections]
* [http://archives.ppcli.com/ Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Museum & Archives]
* [http://atom.skagafjordur.is/index.php/ Regional Archives of Skagafjordur] (English, Icelandic)
* [http://search-bcarchives.royalbcmuseum.bc.ca/ Royal British Columbia Museum - BC Archives]
* [http://archives.rncm.ac.uk/ Royal Northern College of Music]
* [https://www.sjcarchives.org.uk/institutional/Saint John's College Archives]
* [http://atom.library.moore.edu.au/ The Samuel Marsden Archives, Moore College Library]
* [http://sain.scaa.sk.ca/collections/ Saskatchewan Archival Information Network Collections Database]
* [http://sain.scaa.sk.ca/items/ Saskatchewan Archival Information Network Photographs Database]
* [http://atom.archives.sfu.ca/ SFU AtoM - Simon Fraser University]
* [http://squamishlibrary.digitalcollections.ca/ Squamish Public Library - Digital Collections]
* [https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/ State Records Office of Western Australia]
* [http://archivessearch.twu.ca/ Trinity Western University Archives and Special Collections]
* [http://search.nbca.unbc.ca/index.php/ UNBC Northern BC Archives]
* [http://atom.archives.unesco.org/ UNESCO Archives]
* [http://search.archives.un.org/ United Nations Archives and Records Management Section]
* [https://atom.unb.br/ Universidade de Brasília] (Brazilian Portuguese)
* [http://arquivoatom.up.pt/ Universidade do Porto] (Portuguese)
* [http://atom.ufcspa.edu.br/ Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre] (Brazilian Portuguese)
* [http://rbscarchives.library.ubc.ca/ University of British Columbia Rare Books and Special Collections]
* [https://searcharchives.ucalgary.ca/ University of Calgary Archives and Special Collections]
* [http://www.atom.lib.uct.ac.za/ University of Capetown Libraries: Special Collections]
* [http://sca.glos.ac.uk/index.php/ University of Gloucestershire Special Collections and Archives]
* [http://archives.unam.edu.na/ University of Namibia Archives]
* [http://search.nbca.unbc.ca/ University of Northern British Columbia Archives]
* [https://biblio.uottawa.ca/atom/index.php/ University of Ottawa - Archives and Special Collections]
* [http://strathclyde.ica-atom.org/ University of Strathclyde Archives]
* [https://discoverarchives.library.utoronto.ca/ University of Toronto - Discover Archives]
* [http://whistler.ica-atom.org/ Whistler Museum and Archives]
* [https://archivesholdings.worldbank.org/ World Bank Group Archives Holdings]
==ICA-AtoM (1.x) sites==
* [https://archives.aber.ac.uk/index.php/ Aberystwyth University Archives]
* [http://web2.santamaria.rs.gov.br/arquivohistorico/sistema_descricao_documental/index.php/ Acervo digital do Arquivo Histórico Municipal de Santa Maria] (Brazilian Portuguese)
* [http://archivo.ateneodemadrid.es Archivo del Ateneo de Madrid] (Spanish)
* [http://www.madrid.org/icaatom_pub/index.php/ Archivos de la Comunidad de Madrid] (Spanish)
* [http://archivo.plasencia.es/ Archivo Municipal de Plasencia] (Spanish)
* [http://icaatom.arquivoestado.sp.gov.br Arquivo Público do Estado de São Paulo] (Brazilian Portuguese)
* [http://archivocti.uma.es/icaatom/ Base de datos fotográfica del Centro de Tecnología de la Imagen de la Universidad de Málaga] (Spanish)
* [http://cad.cgtp.pt/ica/ Centro de Arquivo e Documentação CGTP-IN] (Portuguese)
* [http://www.dart.ipsr.mahidol.ac.th/index.php/n56S2;isad Digital Archive of Research on Thailand]
* [http://archive.womenslibrary.org.uk/index.php/ Glasgow Women's Library Archive Catalogue]
* [http://www.migan.org MIGAN - the directory of Caribbean archival institutions] (English/French)
* [http://archivesdatabase.royalroads.ca/icaatom/index.php/ Royal Roads University]
* [http://ica-atom.tasglann.org.uk/ Tasglann nan Eilean Siar (Hebridean Archives)]
Please feel free to [[Special:UserLogin|add a link]] to your AtoM installation.

Latest revision as of 12:34, 20 April 2018

Please note that ICA-AtoM is no longer actively supported by Artefactual Systems.
Visit https://www.accesstomemory.org for information about AtoM, the currently supported version.

On this page you'll find some examples of institutions and organizations using AtoM and/or ICA-AtoM. Don't see your institution on this list? Please feel free to add a link to your AtoM installation!

AtoM (2.x) sites

AtoM 2 is the next-generation version of ICA-AtoM. It is still community-driven, and released under the same open-source license. For more information, please visit our new webpage, at: https://www.accesstomemory.org/

ICA-AtoM (1.x) sites

Please feel free to add a link to your AtoM installation.