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Main Page > User manual > Access content > Navigate

Navigating involves understanding the current location (entity and page), what can be done from that location (view, edit, add new, search, etc.), how to get related entities, and how to go to other pages to do other things unrelated to the current entity.

Page title

The light grey text which says "View Archival institution" is the page title

The page title displays what type of entity you are looking at (archival description, authority record, archival institution, function or term) and what type of page you are on (edit, view, import, etc.).

Title bar

Click on the orange title bar reading "City of New Caledonia Archives" to switch back and forth between the view and edit pages

On a view or edit page, the title bar displays the name of the current entity. You can also click on the title to switch between between view and edit modes (if you have edit access privileges).

Search box

Search box - the user enters a query and clicks on the magnifying glass icon

The search box is available on every page: enter a query and click on the magnifying glass icon or press Enter on your keyboard

Be careful when launching a search from the edit page: always be sure to first save your changes, or else these will be lost when the search/browse occurs.

Browse menu

The browse menu in the default Caribou theme is a horizontal list of links directly below the search box

The browse menu is available on every page: enter a query and click on the magnifying glass icon or press Enter on your keyboard

Be careful when launching a search from the edit page: always be sure to first save your changes, or else these will be lost when the search/browse occurs.

Text links

Blue text always represents a link to a related entity (e.g. from an archival description to the authority record of the record's creator). When you hover your cursor over a link, the text is highlighted or underlined.

Context menu

Context menu for an archival description showing archival institution, name of creator and other records in the same fonds

Provides a series of links to entities related to the current entity.

See context menu for more on this feature as it applies to different entity types.

Home page links

The site logo and the "home" link in the user menu both return you to the home page.

Main menu

Main menu with Add drop-down expanded

The main menu provides access to key functions. The tabs are: Add, Manage, Import and Admin. Selecting the Manage menu gives the user access to all saved accession records, donor records, rights holders and physical storage containers.

What appears in the main menu depends on your user role. For example, the main menu does not appear at all for researchers while the admin menu appears only to users with administrator access privileges.

Column headers

Column headers appear on list pages, giving the names of the fields for whatever is listed below.