Translate interface

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Revision as of 18:14, 5 June 2008 by Richard (talk | contribs)
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Translate taxonomies (terms)

Main Page > (UM) User manual > UM-5 Translate content / interface > UM-5.3 Translate terms


View mode: untranslated fields appear in default source language
Edit mode: enter translation

Taxonomies are controlled vocabularies that generate drop-down value lists in ICA-AtoM to restrict data entry in certain fields to certain values. ICA-AtoM stores these values as term records in the database, associating each term with a particular taxonomy.

For more on taxonomies, see in this manual:

Open translation page

1. In the Language menu, click the language into which you want to translate.

2. Click the Translate tab on the Main menu bar.

3. Click the "Default content" sub-tab.

Translate taxonomy names

4. In the "Taxonomies" section, click "taxonomies" to view all taxonomy names.

5. The left-hand column (highlighted) shows the English names; enter / edit the translated names in the right-hand column.

Translate taxonomy terms

6. In the "Terms" section, click a taxonomy to expand it and view all terms that belong to it.

7. The left-hand column (highlighted) shows the English names; enter / edit the translated names in the right-hand column.


8. Click the Save button.

9. ICA-AtoM registers the new translations and re-loads the pages, collapsing the "Taxonomies" and "Terms" sections.

Last revised: 5 June 2008 (ICA-AtoM v0.6)