Log in

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Please note that ICA-AtoM is no longer actively supported by Artefactual Systems.
Visit https://www.accesstomemory.org for information about AtoM, the currently supported version.

Main Page > User manual > Getting started > Log in

To add or edit content in ICA-AtoM, you need to log in:

The log in link is in the upper right hand corner of the page
  • Click the log in link in the user menu in the upper right-hand corner of the page. ICA-AtoM routes you to the log in page
Log in page
  • Enter your email address
  • Enter your password
  • Click the log in button
Once you are authenticated the main menu becomes visible
ICA-AtoM re-loads the home page, now customized to your user role. The main menu is now visible.
  • To log out, click the log out link in the user menu, ICA-AtoM returns you to the home page (view-only access)
  • Note that ICA-AtoM automatically logs you out after thirty minutes of inactivity. To resume editing, you will have to log back in

New Login Security Features in ICA-AtoM 1.3!

If you are running the latest release of ICA-AtoM (version 1.3, available here ), administrators now have the ability to:

  • force users to create strong passwords (using a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols),
  • force all authenticated user requests to use secure network communication ( Wiki page for https), and
  • limit incoming requests for all Administrator functionality to a static IP range.

By default, these settings are turned off, and must be turned on by an administrator in Administer > Settings > Security.

  • For more information on using these new login security features, please see the Administer > Settings > Security page of the User Manual.
  • See, Security Documentation for more information about ICA-AtoM:
    • Web application (AtoM) security
    • Client-side (web browser) security
    • Server-side security